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Level A2 Nuovo 1,2,3 Italiano A2

The volume is part of a course that proceeds with careful gradation according to the most experimented glottodidactic approaches. It is aimed at young people and adults of any linguistic origin, who study Italian in Italy and abroad. It is divided into 6 levels according to the indications of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. Each level includes: the Student Book; the audio CD (with the recording of the audience); the teacher's guide (with the description of the activities, the solutions, the transcription of the dialogues and many teaching suggestions). The manual consists of units, each of which focuses on a theme and divided into sections that allow the immediate recognition of the different phases of work. This structure allows the teacher to build a learning path based on the needs of the class. The author is a well-known scholar of the Italian language, curator, among other things, of the dictionary Devoto-Oli (Le Monnier).

Level A2 Nuovo 1,2,3 Italiano A2

  • The books will be available first day of class

  • A2

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